The wit, the nerve, the steel in you...
You rule, you serve, your kind are few...
No words, no thoughts, no meaning to look...
No regrets, no joys, no finds are new.
Tuesday 17 July 2007
Saturday 14 July 2007
To the two of you…
While I've known only one of them, this one goes out to both Ricci and Rorie... And someday I may have the joy of knowing them both like one! A small trinket from a dilli friend who couldn't make it for the wedding across the seas...
I would say I would sing
If the words would ring
I would whisper I would shout
If the words went about
From the skies or the vales
From the seas through to Wales
A congrats and much love!
Monday 2 July 2007
Wednesday 27 June 2007
So much time has slipped away...
A word that is read but not thoroughly understood is a word that is dead. Unless completely intelligible meaning flies from the spoken or written work to the mind we are left unprpfited. How much more then should we learn to give careful attention to the words we use in important study and serious discussion.
But I know the foolishness of such daydreams and I'm happy to report they don't occur with alarming frequency anymore. Perhaps I'm getting cured. Perhaps I'm getting sick. Oh! It's a fun life any which way!
So back to Brunton Sahib. I've never been able to find his A Search in Secret Egypt, which is a decent read too I've heard. He was a British journalist who (I think after quitting journalism) roamed in India (among many other places) in search of mystics. I would certainly read him very differently now than I did about a decade back!