Saturday 26 May 2007

Right now, I'm neither a traveller nor a tourist.

But I don't mind being either as long as it means not stopping at one place for too long... And I've been here long enough.

I'm restless.


jill terry said...

Where are you and exactly where will you go?

Mrinal said...

In the same city now for a while. Delhi that is. The same roads, the same traffic, the same mornings, the same evenings (which, thanks to work, I rarely see actually). And this sameness gets to me sometimes.

And I'm not going anyplace else right now. Hence the restlessness...

It's not as bad as I make it sound actually. But I'd still rather be somewhere else for a bit...

Now as someone once said:

As a rule, a man's a fool.
For when it's hot, he wants it cool.
And when it's cool he wants it hot.
Always wanting what is not...
